Saturday, October 11, 2014


This is just a short place-saver post, a kind of IOU in exchange for the promise of more to come. I apologize for the lack of communication of late. As much as I try to keep it otherwise, unfortunately my yoga practice (which very enthusiastically includes teaching, writing, researching, etc. along with my own time on the mat) sometimes falls away from the top of the priority list as life's other inevitable responsibilities demand fuller attention.

I intend to share some thoughts in follow-up to the recent back-bends workshop, and provide some ideas which will help the process of incorporating those poses continue for those who are interested. Although the focus of the workshop went beyond anything we'll cover in DK, the premises are certainly still useful even for the "baby backbends" we will begin to learn this week. The very short version of that information is that backbends of all types require a great range of motion in the hip-flexors, shoulders, and upper back. We will experience some of that in our next class (10/12), and I'll write in more depth soon.

I also have more I want to say about the sthira/sukham conversation we began recently, and I am again going to strongly encourage you to invest in a copy (or two) of both the Yoga Sutra and the Bhagavad Gita if you haven't already. They are crucial in deepening one's commitment to and understanding of yoga.

We are continuing our work with Week 14, and will focus on Salabhasana, Makarasana, Dhanurasana, and Bhujangasana I this week. Sneak a peek ahead of time if you get a chance. I am looking forward to class, and I am anxious to say more very soon.

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